About CEO

JIHAD AL LAKKIS is founder and CEO of Sogepower. Bringing more than 20 years of experience in managing and directing multiple trading businesses and manufacturing. 

He is also the co-founder and CEO of SOGEPLAST LDA, which is a leading manufacturer of synthetic plastic products in Luanda. 

Born in Monrovia 1969, and later he moved to Kinshasa as a managing director of LAM Telecom, and later to Luanda-Angola. 

Al Lakkis was instilled with a traditional blue collar work ethics that he still possesses today. He graduated from Adventist College with Bachelor in Business Administration in addition to certificate in Finance from AUG University. 

Sogepower was established in 2007 having multi branded passenger cars and commercial vehicles and it is one of the leading car seller in Luanda (Angola). All these diversity he owned, offered the expansion of Sogepower service territory and streamlining operations in all fields with an unparalleled vision and ambition for leading Sogepower to its bright future.